Day 1 & 2 - Nov 27/28 - Friday/Saturday
Only a slight glitch at YVR with our Visa's but fortunately Air Canada agent was capable and reissued the Visa at no charge and we were on our flight as scheduled. Even though the flight was over 15 hours went much quicker then we expected since we all were able to sleep for at least a few hours. Once on the ground in Sydney we were greeted by Uncle John and then thoroughly enjoyed that first blast of warm tropical breeze on the way out of the airport.
We spent the afternoon visiting in their incredibly lush back yard (see the 1st VR tour) and shopping for this evenings dinner. Bev made a wonderful seafood paella that was complimented by great conversation as we caught up and chatted about all things Oz and Canada.
Our first experience of Aussie bugs is the cicada - very noisy little bugger that hangs out in the trees and screechs like an alarm going off ! Good thing that they don't hang around for long !
We feel very comfortable in their lovely home and looking forward to visiting again tomorrow.
Night-night !